The Pride of Pennsylvania

The Pride of Pennsylvania

The Pride of Pennsylvania

The Pride of Pennsylvania

The Pride of Pennsylvania

The Pride of Pennsylvania

The Pride of Pennsylvania

Perkiomen Township was established in 1886 after a court appointed commission split Skippack Township and Perkiomen Township along the Perkiomen Creek. At that time the township was classified as a township of the second-class. Under that classification, a Board of Supervisors was established as the governing body. This body can be made up of either three or five members. In Perkiomen Township’s case the board is made up of five members.


What’s New

Voting by Mail in and Absentee Ballot:

PADEP Storm Water Booklet Homeowners Guide to BMP Maintenance

Perkiomen Township Property Owners have installed Best Management Practices such as rain gardens, seepage pits, or vegetated swalls – Here is information speficially on the maintenance of those BMPs  Property Owner’s Maintenance for BMPs

Household Hazardous Waste Flyer 2020

Tire Collection Flyer 2020

Perkiomen Valley Regional Police Study

Montgomery County has Partnered with Retrievr, a convenient service that picks up clothing and electronics right at your door.  For more information, please click on the link below:  M

The Perkiomen Valley Library will be CLOSED Dec 9 and tentatively reopen Monday, April 6th. 


Stormwater Management – MS4 Information – Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy

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Quick Links

Important Notices
Sewer Bill Payments
Discount Movie Tickets

Census 2020 – Census Bureau is looking to hire temporary work through the spring and summer.  Click the link to find out more.

2020 Spring Clean Up Flyer  Join the Perkiomen Watershed
Conservancy’s annual Clean-up   Saturday, April 4th, 2020
9 am – 12 pm 






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As part of the Perkiomen Township’s overall efforts to improve services to its citizens, the complete municipal code is now available online. The new online Code provides convenient access to ordinances in a feature-rich format that has been specifically designed for optimal viewing on desktops and laptops as well as smartphones and tablet devices. To use the new electronic version of the Code, click the icon to visit Perkiomen Township’s website.