Environmental Advisory Council


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About the Environmental Advisory Council

The establishment of the Perkiomen Township Environmental Advisory Council (PEAC) was authorized by the Township in January 2022.  The purpose of the PEAC is to:

  • Advise the Board of Supervisors as to environmental issues;
  • Encourage sustainable design and the use of renewable energies;
  • Protect and preserve natural resources within the Township; and
  • Consider possible uses of open land and to create inventories of natural areas with unique features.

According to the bylaws, the PEAC has the capacity to study environmental issues and to provide advice to the Board of Supervisors on those issues.  The PEAC will work with the Board and Administration in an advisory capacity in an effort to help them analyze environmental issues and provide recommendations on courses of action necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the Township residents.

We are composed of five volunteer residents appointed by the Board, each with three-year terms.

Our Mission

Connecting, educating, and advocating for residents to provide environmental enhancement and promote community health and wellbeing for generations to come.


Environmental Advisory Council Members

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EAC Agendas & Minutes

EAC Education & Documents

Air Quality Monitoring

Bird Town Pennsylvania

No Mow May / Native Plants

Solar / Renewable Energy

Community Sustainability


Water Quality / Stormwater



Park and Recreation


Environmental Advisory Cncl.